Monday, April 28, 2008

What's In a Website?

Today marks a real milestone in the history of the BBB Mississippi, with the launch of our new website at This "new and improved" site features a design which will be much easier to use. You may notice also that there is an intermix of local and national content. Photos of some of the people who run BBB accredited businesses are featured, for example, along with access to information from across the U.S. and Canada.

We have spent much time and effort on getting this site functional. That's because online access is so crucial to many of today's consumers. We also understand, however, that the people and businesses we serve might never use a computer. The website is not the sum total of our services; it is just one linkage between this organization and the community of businesses and consumers we serve.

I hope you will spend some time getting to know our new site. Bookmark it and use it often, because it can help you become a more educated and knowledgeable consumer. Thanks for visiting!